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Obtenha maior produtividade nas operações de fresagem com a série M200 da WIDIA
É com grande orgulho que a WIDIA™ vem anunciar a fresa M200™ como a sua última adição à linha de ferramentas WIDIA Victory™. A nova série M200 da WIDIA define a fasquia do desempenho e da produtividade nas indústrias de moldes e matrizes, energética e aeroespacial e foi concebida para suplantar as outras ferramentas em várias aplicações, desde as de desbaste até às de semiacabamento.
Southco has added an optional rubber bumper accessory to our C2 Lever Latch and C5 Sealed Lever Latch product lines that provides consistent compression and reduces wear, vibration and noise. Designed with a robust cycle life, the bumper delivers high mechanical performance and compensates for misalignment.C2 and C5 latches are industry-proven solutions that have tested exceptionally well in harsh working conditions. The sealed C5 protects against water and dust, and locking options on both models provide added security. For added design options, Southco offers the C5 in chrome and the C2 with two new head styles: 7 mm square and railway.
Project Leader Tom Aukzemas adds, “The enhanced versions of our C2 and C5 latches are ideal for new installations as well as retrofits. With their easy installation and operation, and sleek, low profile design, these latches meet a wide range of application needs.”
For more information about Southco’s enhanced C2 and C5 Lever Latches, please visit www.southco.com or e-mail the 24/7 customer service department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..