Eplan Electric P8 com novo design
Muito já foi dito sobre o Eplan Platform, versão 2.8. Agora, apenas alguns dias antes do lançamento, o foco está no Eplan Electric P8. Os usuários podem esperar melhorias nas áreas de configuração, dados do bus e ciclo completo de engenharia com o Siemens TIA Portal. O Eplan Electric P8, uma solução CAE consagrada, surpreende ainda mais com a introdução de uma interface de usuário totalmente nova e um integrado portal de usuário.

Eplan Electric P8 V.2.8.jpg: In the dialog »Edit terminal strip», users will be able to assign several aligned accessories at the same time.
Monheim / Nuremburg, Germany, November 27, 2018 - A new graphical user interface, improved ergonomics and improved macro technology are trademarks of the new Eplan Platform, Version 2.8. However, that's not all: a new portal directly integrated with the software solution welcomes users right after the start of the operation. Offering comprehensive information, it includes tips and tricks that make everyday users' work even easier, not to mention innovations and innovations in Eplan's product portfolio, tutorials, details on training opportunities, and much, much more.
Advanced data exchange with TIA Portal
In addition, several systems, such as Eplan Electric P8, are introducing a variety of new features. The first step includes enhancements in the bidirectional interaction between EPLAN and TIA Portal. At Nuremberg, users can discover how the AutomationML format provides even more effective support to the engineering cycle, which again optimizes the configuration of PLC data.
In the "Edit Terminal Strip" dialog box, users can briefly assign multiple alignable accessories at the same time. All devices selected in the appropriate context menu are then assigned to the selected terminal strip. This saves engineering time.
Transfer of configuration projects
With a new menu item, users can now transfer configuration projects - for example, data from a CLP box - to the corresponding communication ports, eliminating the time-consuming task of manually entering data for each port. Potentially existing communication port entries are updated. If an individual communication port is assigned to another configuration project, this value can be changed manually, which will provide more flexibility in engineering.
Bus data now available for all types of representation
Users of Eplan Electric P8 previously could only enter bus data for network / bus wiring cable connections in the Single-wire representation type. What is available recently for users in properties for bus connections is the »Bus Data» tab for all types of representation. This allows the bus data to be entered into the schematic and displayed without a single-line representation being specified. One more practical advantage: Bus data is no longer excluded when changing the type of representation. This provides more freedom within a project.
Portal.jpg: Agora, no portal integrado, há novidades e inovações do portfólio de produtos da EPLAN, tutoriais, detalhes sobre oportunidades de treinamento e muito, muito mais.
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