
100% corte limpo – Corte fino define seus próprios padrões

Eficiência de custos e precisão na produção em série de componentes complexos – corte fino oferece toda uma gama de benefícios para o usuário. O processo abre novas abordagens técnicas para a fabricação de um grande número de peças multifuncionais prontas-para-instalar e oferece novas maneiras de maximizar a eficiência de custos. A sua versatilidade no que diz respeito à geometria das peças, complexidade e possibilidade de redução de operações posteriores tornam a tecnologia muito interessante sob vários aspectos.

100% corte limpo – Corte fino define seus próprios padrões
New features
The IXXAT canAnalyser now supports up to 64 CAN channels simultaneously with the new "Multi-Board Support", and displays information by means of a uniform time base.

For modules using simultaneous access to multiple CAN channels, Multi-Board Support brings additional benefits – with the trace module for example, the canAnalyser becomes an extremely powerful datalogger solution. A particularly impressive feature is the new signal transmit module with which network devices can be stimulated very quickly and easily – on process level without underlying CAN communication having to be known in detail.

Also new in Version 3 is the extended level of portability, with which measurement configurations can be copied to different measurement computers with no loss of function.

Also, database support provided by the canAnalyser has been extended considerably, now allowing the import of different databases into the configuration. For data interpretation, the databases are merged into one overall network database by the canAnalyser.

The newly added statistics scripts, for analysis of frequency distributions, repeat times, response/run-times for example, are in the source code (C#) and can be adapted to user-specific requirements very quickly.

Moreover, new examples for the integrated programming interface and canAnalyser Scripting Host means it is now even easier to adapt the canAnalyser to different applications.

Improved signal interpretation means quicker error detection
The completely revised signal interpretation enables statistical information to be analysed at a glance together with process parameters – such as in the new graphics/signal module. This is particularly helpful when errors occur or service is required because the grouping of specific process parameters and network quality indicators (such as fault telegrams per time unit or bus load) means problems can be identified quickly.

Improved user interface
Other news include the new, advanced user interface with an array of different functions for laying out analysis windows perfectly on the screen, and switchover between different user configurations using a hotkey.

Intuitive window synchronisation, in which all information windows jump to the same message with a double click, provides the user a quick overview of the events at a defined point in time.

Discounted price until end of July
canAnalyser 3 is available now – HMS is offering canAnalyser 3 (standard version) with 30% off for orders placed by 31/7/2014.
Customers already using canAnalyser Standard/Lite Version 2.5 or higher receive a 30% discount off the regular update/upgrade price for the canAnalyser 3 (standard version) before 31/7/2014.

Further information on the canAnalyser is available on the IXXAT website under

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